In demolishing the latter postulato one neod go no further than to noto that "rostrictive covenants" in the matter of real property are now unconstitutional. in most non-Jim Crow states and soon may be the rule in all American Stateswe hope,

In regard to the first item, the dreadful and divisive character of its concept immediately becomes apparent when wo realize that such an equity would protect Protestants from having to pay taxes for the public education of Ca holics or Jews; would protect whites from having to pay taxes for the public education of Asians, Amerindians, MexicanAmericans, or Negroes; would protect wealthy employers from having to pay taxes for the public education of unionists; would protect landlords from having to pay taxes for the public education of renters.

As I see it, the planners of ONES Midwinter Institute failed to distinguish between the "political fiction" of the inalienable rights (which are polarities of an elective intellectual climate only), and the political entitios (derivative of such a climate) of the conferred civil privilege. They further equated the inalienable right fiction with the "DEMAND tactic" by which a militant minority or faction NEGOTIATES an armed truce to an advantage. The conflicting factors of each of the above propositions should never, under any circumstances, have been presumed to be either oquivalents or interchangeables. In terms of everyday political exigencies the popularly current myth of "inalienable rights" is no more than the constantly reiterated posits of our founding fathers' "self-evi dent truths". As such, then, "inalienable rights" must be seen to be a valid concept ONLY when comprehended as inseparable from "duties owed". All other political sao ra are "civil privileges" voluntarily and collectively conferred in convention by the democratic process. And precisely because they are conferred they are equally collectively revocable.

Had ONE Institute seen its project in terms of a "Bill of Particulars", this would have been a horse of quite another shape. A "Bill of Particulars", to encompass a basis of negotiations when the time comes to integrate the homophile minority (as a socially decont and contributive element) into the parent community, is a pro-